Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Today is one of the good ones

Today is one of those good days.
A day where I was up before both my kids, allowing me to make breakfast for my husband and kiss him goodbye before enjoying my cup of coffee slowly, still hot, in front of my DVRed "The Bachelor".
A day where both kids slept until 8:30-9 AM.
A day where we got out to see friends and play but were home with enough time to play, read and relax.
A day where my daughter saw someone playing with her baby and stroller in playgroup, and chose to play with the stroller that WASN'T hers instead of hitting the kid who took her stroller (this is huge).
A day where diapers and clothes got washed, folded AND put away.
A day where both of my kids napped at the same time.
A day where my 19 month old played quietly in the living room while I did the dishes.
A day where said 19 month old ate the food I gave her at lunch and breakfast, and didn't throw any of it on the floor. 
A day where dinner is already halfway prepared and its only 3:00.
A day where I sat down to write a blog.
A day where the sun is shining and Im not feeling the winter blues.
A day where I will go into my workout feeling strong and energized.

These days are great. And they happen often. But so do the not-so-good days.

The days where both kids are up multiple times a night, and then for the day at 6am.
The days where even a pot of coffee won't cure the sticky-tired of my eyes.
The days where clean laundry is piled so high it takes us 1.5 hours to fold and put it away (true...)
The days where I ask my husband to pick up a rotisserie chicken on the way home from work because I have barely thought about dinner.
The days both kids are in disposables because all of the cloth diapers are piled high on the stairs, many with poop still in them.
The days where my infant can't stay asleep and my toddler hits everyone in sight.
The days the house looks like a hurricane hit it because neither of my kids will allow me to put them down.
The days my toddler eats nothing but grapes and throws everything I cook on the floor.
The days where its so cold and or rainy outside that we are all depressed and moody.
The days where I don't do anything physically active, and Im edgy because of it.

On the bad days and the good, I remind myself that "its always just a phase." If theres anything Ive learned so far in my early days of parenting, its that everything, good, bad and mediocre, is always fleeting. So enjoy it - or grin and bear it - because it will be over faster than you can blink.