Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How far along? 31/32 weeks - only 8 weeks left! Assuming I go according to schedule :)

Total Weight Gain: Still around 30 lbs - weight gain has slowed!

Stretch Marks: None 

Belly button: Its flat, slightly sticking out sometimes. So odd!

Movement: All. The. Time. She still stretches and rolls, I don't feel her "kick" per se. Maybe that means she will be even tempered?  :) My sister-in-law told me that her pregnancy with our easy-going niece Sarahi was similar, however her pregnancy with our energetic nephew was full of strong kicks and punches. So we will see.  :) Sometimes her movements hurt though, when she stretches big or swipes an elbow or knee against my skin. Its really fascinating though because my belly will contort depending on her position - so funny! She seems to be in one general position - I feel a lump on my upper right side all the time, which I think is her butt (could be a head but doctor thinks she's head down). Its strange because whenever I want to feel her now I just touch in that area and she's always there.  :)

Feeling: Feeling great, just increasingly large and definitely heavy. Especially when I work out, because i can feel my weight in my SHINS. I never feel anything in my shins!

Cravings: Nothing in particular, other than lebananis! Ha, a lebanani is this desert we had EVERY NIGHT in Bahrain (don't judge). Its vanilla ice-cream mixed with frozen tropical fruits, with a layer of mango puree in the middle, and topped with pistachios and honey. They delivered, we took advantage. Ah what I wouldn't give for one right now...

Symptoms: The entire trip in Bahrain my ankles and feet were swollen, especially after standing for too long. I was constantly taking breaks to sit and put my feet up, thinking that my body had succumbed to the common symptom of being swollen. However ever since we got home they've been normal, so it must have been the heat! The lower back pain is still bothering me occasionally. I feel it mostly after being active, and always when I do the dishes, because I am ever so slightly bent forward over the sink and the weight of my belly pulls on my back. I think Im starting to waddle because I now stand bending slightly backwards so counteract that weight.  :)

Missing: Lebananis! :) And fresh food. This has nothing to do with pregnancy, just feeling angry at American food industry and factory farming! Traveling internationally usually does that to me.

Looking Forward to: Meeting our baby girl! Spending the past 1.5 weeks with our niece and nephew made us so excited to be parents to our own sweet little one.

Sleep: I think I am officially a side sleeper now. I can't sleep on my belly anymore, even with the pillow wedged under me, and it sucks because I am so not comfortable on my side! Oh well. Overall Im sleeping well but gone are the nights where I fall asleep, and the next time I open my eyes its morning. Even simply rolling over takes a certain amount of consciousness to accomplish. I guess its prepping me for parenthood  :)

Exercise:  This area has been a BUST for us both! I had been trying to stay mildly active before we left for our trip, but we hadn't been to the gym in a few weeks. In Bahrain we didn't work out at all, so now that we are home we are actually craving that feeling. I walked by a gym on the naval base in Bahrain and actually had a slight emotional reaction to the sound of the weights clinking and the smell of rubber and sweat as we walked by. Gross right? Haha. ANYway, we are both trying to focus on cardio and clean eating this coming week to feel cleansed and strong again before hitting the weights - however while my husband is planning to work back up to his previous cardiovascular level, I am hoping to simply stay upright and produce a few sweat drops, while keeping my shins from breaking due to my large load.  :)

Eating: Mostly healthy on our trip (aside form those delicious lebananis!), and we are now on a fish and kale kick. Haha. 

Thoughts this week: While we were both so nervous for the flight to Bahrain (blood clots? What if I go in to labor?) it was sooo completely fine. I didn't even get any special treatment from the flight crew! They were nice and accommodating, but I guess seeing a pregnant girl on a 13 hour flight is really nothing to write home about, ha. I have to thank my amazing husband though - he sacrificed his comfort to make sure I kept my feet up the entire flight and got some sleep, and reminded me to get up and walk. Overall though, I would say international travel at this stage in pregnancy is completely doable and I would definitely do it again! Im glad this trip was more family than adventure oriented though, because I definitely can't do as much as I could before (especially with the excessive swelling I had). 

The time is winding down and its just really starting to wig us out. I feel like nothing is "ready", but I also realized that it doesn't have to be perfectly ready upon her arrival. Once she's here I will be home during the day and can then focus on getting her room ready and clothes sorted and put away - she won't be using much right away anyway. Wow, time flies!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

30 week progress!

How far along? 30 weeks! 75% there!

Total Weight Gain: 30 lbs!

Stretch Marks: None so far… :) I have heard that they can pop up at any stage, even the last week. I even have a friend who said they didn't show up for her until AFTER she had the baby! So not in the clear yet.  :)

Belly button: Its flat, slightly sticking out sometimes. So odd!

Movement: Man, this week I feel like she practically doubled in size! I can feel her pressing up against me all the time. Every time she stretches or shifts, I can feel it. I can also tell what side she's on at any given time, and can direct others where to press if they want to feel her. Ive also been feeling a lot of elbow and/or knee jabs when she rolls or changes positions. It's so crazy! I can even literally bounce my hand wherever I feel a knee or leg, and bounce her against my hand - THAT is weird, haha. Donovan always tells me to leave her alone.  :)

Feeling: Feeling good! Less and less agile as time passes!

Cravings: Nothing in particular, though I find myself craving fruit at random times. 

Symptoms: Sore arches after walking and achey lower back after standing for long.  

Missing: Summer and tiny clothes, still  :)

Looking Forward to: BAHRAIN! Oh my gosh we leave in a few days!

Sleep: Sleeping great! I am starting to find myself more comfortable on my side than on my stomach with the pillow. And I wake up often with a cramp in one side, so I roll over…a few hours later I have to roll again because of a new cramp. Is that normal? I would assume.

Exercise:  We haven't been to the gym in 3 weeks! Ack! Ive still been trying to stay active with walks, T25, etc. but our schedules have been a little crazy lately. Coupled with decreased motivation on my end, it lead to a hiatus of sorts from lifting. Ha. We went and lifted full body this weekend and that felt good. I can still squat pretty well which I am proud of but overall everything is harder.

Eating: Same as its been! Healthy meals with less focus on calories and snacks more often. Im enjoying the relaxed attitude, especially knowing in 10 weeks or so Im going to be back in go-mode.  :)

Thoughts this week: We leave for Bahrain on Wednesday and I am NERVOUS! On our flight to El Paso, my ankles and feet swelled up pretty bad and I was really uncomfortable. On the way back I made sure I walked and stretched, and I ended up being fine, but needless to say it made me very apprehensive for this 13 hour flight coming up! However we are SO excited to see Reno, Paola and the kids  - we haven't seen them since Pablo, our nephew, was born, and he's 15 months now! We are looking forward to the trip - I have a doctors appointment the day before we leave to make sure I am all clear to fly!

Celebrating Arushi chahi's bday!

Birthday bowling!

A diaper cake made for us by a student's mom!

My lunch shelf  :)

30 weeks, back in the gym

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Phew it's been a while! We've been thrown off with these past 2 busy baby shower weekends - which were AWESOME! We were left feeling incredibly blessed, loved and grateful. And now, it is time to start packing for Bahrain - we leave in a week! Oh my.

How far along? 28/29 weeks! 3rd trimester and 7 months!

Total Weight Gain: 30 lbs!

Stretch Marks: None so far… :)

Belly button: Its flat, slightly sticking out sometimes. So odd!

Movement: All the time. I think I am at the point where I can feel every move.

Feeling: Feeling great overall just large!

Cravings: Nothing really. Ive been having random day-long cravings for peanut butter and bananas. On separate days. One day peanut butter, can't get enough. 3 days later, I want bananas. 

Symptoms: My feet have started to hurt after walking or standing for long, even in shoes with good support. And my lower back still gets achy. 

Missing: Summer and tiny clothes  :)

Looking Forward to: Seeing her sweet face!

Sleep: Sleeping great!

Exercise: UG, this has been terrible the past few weeks excercise-wise!!! We've been so busy and tired and thrown off we haven't had time to get a good workout in at the gym in at least 2 weeks. Honestly, Im not too worried about it. We have tried to stay active - we have had some beautiful spring days where we have gone for walks, I have still been doing T25 with work buddies and I've made it downstairs to our mini-gym a bit; but overall, working out has gotten a lot harder. I find I get out of breath so much quicker now and my lower back and feet are always achey afterwards, especially when the workout is just cardio - even walking! I am definitely slowing down, so I am trying to just focus on staying healthy and being active whenever possible, whether its weights or cardio. 

Eating: Pretty normal in this area! Ive been eating healthy as usual, trying to clean it up a bit more because we have definitely been enjoying extra treats with these showers we had. 

Thoughts this week: I've been saying for a while now that once we had the first baby shower, it was basically like she was going to be here, because we have so much planned in between so I knew it was going to fly by! El Paso shower, Baltimore shower, Bahrain, two weekend trips in May and the BAM. June is here. We are in that whirlwind now - the showers have passed and we leave for Bahrain in a week. A WEEK! I am starting to get really nervous because on the way to El Paso, I was VERY uncomfortable. My feet and ankles swelled up so bad it hurt to walk. Granted, I didn't take ANY precautions because I figured hey, it's a short trip. On the way back, I walked the isles and stretched a lot and it didn't happen again. However the trip to Bahrain is 13 hours STRAIGHT. AH! I bought compression socks, and am planning to walk the isles and to various leg and ankle exercises every 1-2 hours, and I am hoping to be able to put my feet up a bit. Wish us luck!!!

Another thing we have been thinking/feeling this week is how incredibly lucky we are to have so many loving family and friends. So many people came out these past 2 weekends to shower baby girl with love and we just couldn't be more grateful. 

Celebrating Grandpa Barry's birthday!

Celebrating Abu Chacha's birthday!

Safari animals on the wall - cute!

SURPRISE visitors to our shower in Baltimore! My besets friends! I can't believe they made the trip!

Our first cloth diapers for our stash - yes, we are cloth diapering!
28 weeks

29 weeks

Donovan eating baby food, with a baby spoon, in El Paso - nighttime snack?!

El Paso shower, with the mariachis - 28 weeks

Baltimore shower - 29 weeks