And now its over, its Saturday and she's three and life is the same but I am still in awe of this little human we created, and the person she is becoming. She is so unique, and I know she will grow and change but it is so fun and amazing to watch.
I feel like as much as we want to say we see personality traits in our babies, many times TRUE personality doesn't start showing itself until around age 2, when they show preference for colors and start talking and expressing themselves more. So I feel like this last year, from 2 to 3, has been such a Camila-discovery year. Before I had a daughter I always imagined a little me, but darker skin and hair like Donovan. She could NOT be any more different. She looks nothing like me (some expressions here and there and her lightness but seriously, thats it, she's all Donovan). I assumed a daughter of mine would be extroverted, tomboyish, flighty, distracted, attention-seeking... Camila is none of those things. Many of the traits she's showing are very similar to Donovan. And, well, she's just...HER. I guess that's how it goes, doesn't it?
When she was 12 months, I remember so vividly pushing her stroller into a packed elevator and her smiling and waving to everyone and saying, "HI! Hi! Hi!" We laughed with pride of course, but now she couldn't be more different. She's slow to warm up (but when she does let you in, she loves HARD), a little introverted, and very attached to her mami and papi. She doesn't like attention to be on her, prefers small groups and being home many times (though often when we are out and about she asks "Where are we going next?! I don't want to go home yet!") She loves to swing and swim, loves her cousins and her family, loves the colors pink and yellow and sometimes blue because Elsa wears blue. She loves to read and hates going to bed and loves her brother so much she wants to hold him like a baby even though he hates that. She loves to wear dresses and hates ponytails and loves to sing but hates when people look at her. She loves to paint her nails ALL BY HERSELF and loves to snuggle on the couch and watch TV and loves to play soccer but really doesn't like it when we try to get her to practice her balance bike. She's very dramatic when she falls and gets the tiniest scrape but doesn't want anyone to touch it or look at it or react to it in any way. She loves strawberry flavored everything, pasta, fruit, fish and olives and playing with her dolls and hiding from papi when he comes home from work. She has the biggest most intense imagination and she talks and talks and talks and asks why and why and why and we are absolutely obsessed with her.
Here's to going on 4 baby girl... we can't wait to discover who you will be by then, and every year onward.
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