Sunday, May 18, 2014

How far along? 36 weeks! (missed 35s pic  :p )

Total Weight Gain: Last drs appointment I was at 38 lbs, 4 more than last week! However I was VERY swollen in my legs and she said that 3-4 of those pounds were water weight alone from the swelling. Sooo, I haven't gained any weight? Or have I? :)

Stretch Marks: None 

Belly button: Stretched to the max. Ha.

Movement: She's always wiggling and pushing, but there's no room for kicks!

Feeling: Large! I have days where I feel 'gross pregnant' as I call it, where I feel like I waddle and move slow, and my ankles are swollen so I have to keep my feet up. Yuck. But most days I feel pretty normal and energetic, just with a large gut! My lower back often hurts though, and I get up slower.

Cravings: Popsicles :)

Symptoms: Still the sore lower back after cardio and standing (walking doesn't seem to bother it), and now the swelling! That part totally blows. However when the weather is cooler, like 70s and below, its not an issue. Those 80something degree days we had though, man my legs looked like tree trunks!

Missing: Feeling tiny and light on my feet.  :)

Looking Forward to: Meeting her! SO CLOSE NOW.

Sleep: Sleeping really well! I wake a couple times a night to use the bathroom or roll over but am able to go right back to sleep.

Exercise:  Donovan and I have been doing Insanity all this week, maybe 3-4 times total. I do it VERY slow and VERY modified so no worries! I also went swimming this week, on one of my swollen days (thanks to our awesome neighborhood for having an indoor lap pool within walking distance from home!). That was nice  :) We are hoping to hit the gym next week.

Eating: Clean and healthy with lots of liberations!!! Im definitely hungrier again, but I head that during the last month or so you should eat 300-500 calories extra so that explains it. Trying to listen to my body.

Thoughts this week: Still getting comments on how BIG I am and how i MUST be due any day now! Ha, is that normal?! Anyway, doctor/nurse said I am measuring right on track and she thinks Ill deliver right at 40 weeks, "if not a few days after" (let's stick with 40 weeks…). We went on the hospital tour this week too, and everything is feeling so real. She could be here any time and we are so excited and nervous at the same time!

Awesome, awesome 1st grade team brought mac and cheese and popsicles for my birthday treat - Ill miss them so much next year!

Ready to pop? 

Handsome-as-hell papi celebrating the end of his semester! He's worked his butt off.

Heavy Seas Brewery tour for my stepfather's birthday/Mother's Day/my birthday  :)

Happy Mothers Day to my amazing mom!!!

Birthday dinner!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How far along? 33/34 weeks!

Total Weight Gain: 34 lbs! Yep, Im headed towards 40ish total  :)

Stretch Marks: None 

Belly button: Starting to become an outtie! Ah!

Movement: All the time! And its fun to watch my belly contort and shift as she moves! I have a feeling she's going to be pretty big...

Feeling: Starting to feel increasingly less agile! I am moving slower, grunting when I squat to pick things up, walking slow…rolling over takes a good 34,823 minutes…Ive also been sick this past week. I got some sort of virus that gave me a fever and kept me home from work for 2 days. Im still fighting it a bit, coughing up a lot of fun stuff, but it definitely slowed me down  :)

Cravings: Popsicles! I need to put that in my next picture. I am craving those real-fruit strawberry popsicles! Yummm.

Symptoms: Sore lower back, especially when doing dishes because I am leaning slightly over the sink. Its really become quite a chore to clean up the kitchen! Thankfully I have an awesome husband who team-works it with me.

Missing: Moving quickly! I feel slow and whale-ish. Haha.

Looking Forward to: Meeting her! 

Sleep: Definitely sleeping only on my side now. I guess it about time right?  :) Rolling over always causes me to wake up, because it takes about 3x as long as it used to just to get from one side to the other. But overall my sleep is good!

Exercise:  Ive been out of the gym for weeks, which means no weights. Ive been keeping active with lots of cardio though. I do SOMEthing every day, whether its a long walk, Insanity or T25. Between schedule, Donovan's intense end-of-semester school schedule and sickness we have both let our fitness goals fall by the wayside. Im at the point now though where as long as Im staying active in SOME way and eating healthy, Im not concerned about my strength and muscle - I trust in muscle memory and I look forward to hitting it hard again when I am ready!

Eating: Clean and healthy with lots of liberations!!!

Thoughts this week: I have had 3 people in the last week tell me that they don't think ill make it full term because of how big I am. Really?! Am I that big?! Oy! On one hand I am glad its all belly (better than than all around right?)- on the other, that means she must be big right?! Im too small for a big baby! Oh well, guess nature will take its course! I am kind of "done" being pregnant though - my skin is stretched to the max, I waddle, my back hurts and I am moving slower than usual. I don't know how she's going to grow MORE in 6 weeks! Still trying to enjoy it while we can - she will be here in such a short amount of time, its really crazy...

 Mirror selfies!

Lopsided belly!

We are ready for you baby girl  :)

Double baby shower by our awesome team at work.

Revisiting Tap Out - We definitely like Insanity more!

Papi working under her first "car"  :)

12 months through 2T! Thanks to our beautiful niece for passing them down!


Feeling good and slightly awkward after a workout, hehe.