Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Time just keeps on moving

Camila is 10 months old! Where has the time gone?! We have already started referring to her as a toddler instead of a baby, because thats how she acts! She's got these little opinions and thoughts on things, and you can tell when she has a specific idea or thought in her mind, because if we don't help her follow through with that exact thought, she throws her head back, spreads her fingers, raises her little eyebrows, bares her teeth and goes, "EEEEEHHHHH". She's also allll over the place, chewing wires and sticking her fingers into sockets and climbing up on furniture and us and walls.

She's also just so AWARE of things and concepts. For example, we were out to lunch at Panera with our family friend Chat (who many of you know :)  ) and I brought along some broccoli for her, knowing that it would be hard to find a veggie at Panera. Anyway, she was happily eating her broccoli, kicking her little legs back and forth under her, stuffing more than she could chew in her mouth as per usual, until my plate of food came. I gave her one bite of mac and cheese and she was DONE with the broccoli. Even once the mac and cheese was gone and I told her and showed her so, she was content just sitting quietly but would NOT eat another bite of broccoli. Usually she will ALWAYS eat fruit, but she was even being touchy on the fruit I had ordered her. A few bites in the mouth, a handful on the ground. Even though our plates were empty she just sat there quietly staring at them. I figured she was full. Finally Chat got up to clear the plates and what does Camila do? Look at me, look at Chat, look around a few times at the empty table, and reaches for her container of broccoli and fruit and eats the entire thing.

It was one of those moments where you are just like, wow. She's no longer thinking simply, like "Oh this is my food. I see it. I eat it." She understands that there's OTHER OPTIONS and if she plays her cards right she might be able to pick and choose what to fill up on. Sneaky sneaky little one. Mama is on to you.

Another super awesome development that we started noticing at 9 months is her understanding of language. Donovan speaks to her in Spanish only, and I speak a mixture - If I know it in Spanish, I say it in Spanish. If I don't, I say it in English. Therefor, a lot of the simple things we say often throughout the day are all said in Spanish all of the time. Words and phrases such as "All done", "Do you want more?", "Its time to eat", "Its time for a nap", "Come here", "Do you want to nurse?", dance, bounce, yes, no, hi, bye, yada yada. You can tell she understands exactly what we are saying buy her actions and the look in her eyes when you speak to her, and she's even started nodding yes in response. Its amazing! She waves hi and bye, not just on command but when she sees people for the first time or watches them leave. She also blows kisses on command - it really just looks like she's slapping herself on the mouth but freaking adorable.

And honestly, we are obsessed. Especially me. We watch her every move, every facial expression, laugh at her every conversation-like grunt and squeal. Even once she's in bed we sit with the monitor and smile over her many sleeping positions or fret about if she's warm/cool/hydrated enough. She's the best thing that's ever, ever happened to us and time is flying WAY too fast.

I love love love this picture of Camila and her papi

And of course, "best thing that ever happened to us" part II is on his way!
This pregnancy is almost exactly the same as with Camila - I craved clementines like WOAH in the first trimester. This was before I knew I was pregnant so I didn't think much of it, but looking back, its like woah! So THAT'S why I was eating a box a day (slight exaggeration). Its also pretty easy - that craving has been one of my only symptoms. No sickness, tiredness or hormone-raged tears. (I know, I'm damn lucky.)

Its a bit different though because HOLY COW am I big. Not really that big in reality, but in comparison its a little odd. Im already doing the pregnancy-squat. You know the one, where if you need to bend down to get something you kinda have to spread your legs wide and point your toes outward. Its really sexy. I also can't fit into ANY of my old clothes. The tshirts and tanks all hang over my belly with little flaps and if I raise my arms a little the belly-bottom pops out. When I do high-knees jogs in place I have to cradle my belly in my hands. Squats have already become sumo-squats and belly-sleeping is becoming difficult. Thighs are starting to chafe under dresses (again, definitely sexy) and my food-shelf is returning. This is all normal obviously, but last time none of this happened to me until 6/7 months, and I'm only 4.5! Yet somehow Ive gained almost the same amount of weight. This is going to be a loooong 5 months…

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Pregnancy round 2!

Nothing like a second pregnancy to get one blogging again huh? Hopefully I can keep up this time. Not that 2 babies is a lot of work or anything. Shouldn't be a problem.

Speaking of two babies, thats exactly what we will have- TWO BABIES. Camila will barely be acquiring her land-legs when this little dude comes along. Oh, that also - LITTLE DUDE! One of each! I won't lie, I would have loved to have another little girl. I saw two similarly-aged little sisters playing at the playground the other week and it melted my heart. I also already know how to DO girls. You know, up through age 10 months. It just felt like a little girl would have slipped in nice and smooth to our little-girl life. Which is why we were STOKED when the sonogram-ist (probably not a word, but we will go with it) said its a BOY! I think both of us were pulling for a boy deep down. Donovan yelled so loud that the other baby I care for 3 days a week, who joins us for all kinds of fun outings like doctors appointments and gender reveals, immediately started crying in fear.

I was really excited for all 3 of us, but especially Donovan. Most people in his life, myself included, were sure he was destined to be the father of only girls. This is probably due to his protective and strong nature, along with the knowledge that he is a complete emotional softy - just seemed fitting that he would spend his life fretting about and spoiling his many girls.

So moving on to pregnancy itself - many were surprised at how quickly we decided to jump right in to round 2. I will use the word "decided" loosely because while we had hoped to have them close together, I was and still am nursing my daughter and (apologies for the TMI) never got my period back, which led me to believe that it wasn't in the cards for us to get pregnant while still nursing Camila. Therefor, this pregnancy was a total surprise for us also! There were a few teeny tiny signs that I should maybe buy a pregnancy test (an intense craving for clementines, nipple soreness - again with the TMI, I know), but the kicker was when my husband ever so lovingly told me that I LOOKED pregnant. Well at that point I figured it better be true, otherwise he was dead. Half joking - I brought up my belly pooch first and he hesitantly agreed. It wouldn't have been a deal at all, but him and I were smack-dap in the middle of the newest Insanity program, Max 30, and after 30 days of ass-kicking workouts and VERY MINIMAL mac and cheese (I swear it), I had GAINED an inch around my waist, as well as 7 pounds! It just didn't make any sense! 3 positive and 1 faulty pregnancy tests later, we figured I had to be 3-4 months along if Im ALREADY showing right?! Holy cow!
This is 9 or 10 weeks along

However our first sonogram indicated I was only 9 weeks. So not only do yes, you show much earlier the second time around, I am now 100% convinced that the body, more specifically MY body, simply holds on to body fat when pregnant. I mean 9 weeks along and 7 pounds?! The baby was the size of a GRAPE at that point - hardly 7 pounds worth. And those smart-ass doctors will claim that you should gain MAYBE a pound in your first trimester but nothing more. Well I didn't even KNOW I was pregnant, was working my ASS off to get in better shape, and STILL gained 7 pounds. And this was after plummeting to below pre-pregnancy weight a few months postpartum. Also, as hard as I worked to maintain my fitness level last pregnancy, that last month of swollen ankles and the 6 weeks of doing nothing because my body just performed the most amazing feat, turned my body into mush. I maintained a base layer of muscle which I DO credit to my continued heavy lifting, but despite how hard I worked, I didn't maintain very much at all.

So needless to say, I am heading into this pregnancy with a much more relaxed approach to diet and fitness than before. This means weekly mac and cheese when I grocery shop at Wegmans (have you tried theirs at the hot food bar?! YUM), 3-5 days of working out a week including weight lifting, Shaun T workouts, jogging outdoors, basically anything I FEEL like that day, veggies at every meal, whole grains, lean proteins and lots of fruit, and ice cream and burgers whenever the hell I feel like it. Ive learned from experience that I will bounce back quickly, and dammit Im going to enjoy it.