Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How far along? 38 weeks!

Total Weight Gain: Clocking in right around 40 lbs total- what I expected.  :)

Stretch Marks: None - so thankful!

Belly button: Stretched to the max. Ha.

Movement: Ive had an elbow (we THINK its an elbow) sticking out and poking me right to the left of my belly button! Its so odd looking (and feeling)!

Feeling: Pretty good lately, still energetic though I have those 2-3 days a week where I just feel blech!

Cravings: Popsicles still, but also ice and frozen peas and corn! The frozen veggies thing isn't as odd as it sounds - I have been known to eat those as a snack on any random day, since I was a kid. But its been every night lately!

Symptoms: The back pain has actually kind of gone away (unless I do the dishes) which is interesting. Swelling has picked up due to the humid weather. I also feel a tremendous about of pelvic pressure often, which definitely slows me down! Sometimes its not an issue but when it is, getting up, changing positions, or moving at all is laborsome…SITTING is even uncomfortable!

Missing: My old clothes! And my old body! Oy!

Looking Forward to: Meeting her! We are at the any-day-now timeframe.

Sleep: Rolling over in bed requires me to be fully awake, haha. And I switch sides often in the night! So aside form these very-often night wakings (including using the bathroom), Im sleeping well! 

Exercise:  Still lots of cardio and walking. I am slowing down in the cardio arena though…not feeling as agile. I am REALLY looking forward to getting back into a solid routine, which I won't be able to do until 6 weeks AFTER delivery. That actually is lowering my motivation too. Whenever I feel even a little bit tired I think to myself, "Whats the point anyway? She will be here any day now and when that happens I won't be able to do ANYthing for 6 weeks." Meh whatever.  :)

Eating: Clean and healthy with lots of liberations!!! Same as usual. Im going to have to kick this popsicle habit once this little chick is here. With no exercise for 6 weeks, my diet will have to be spot-on.  :)

Thoughts this week: I am equal parts THRILLED and TERRIFIED for her arrival. I can't wait to just love her and hold her and care for her, but at the same time the reality of having this little person to care for always is scaring me. Im scared in selfish ways - our life will be changed based on the responsibility we have towards her. We won't be able to do whatever we want, when we want. It won't just be US anymore, and that scares the crap out of me! But many kind people have assured me that yes, that happens, but the love we will feel for this little being will surpass all of that. I totally believe that, but I know that until she's here I will probably continue to have lots of mixed, hormone-induced emotions! 

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