Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Phew it's been a while! We've been thrown off with these past 2 busy baby shower weekends - which were AWESOME! We were left feeling incredibly blessed, loved and grateful. And now, it is time to start packing for Bahrain - we leave in a week! Oh my.

How far along? 28/29 weeks! 3rd trimester and 7 months!

Total Weight Gain: 30 lbs!

Stretch Marks: None so far… :)

Belly button: Its flat, slightly sticking out sometimes. So odd!

Movement: All the time. I think I am at the point where I can feel every move.

Feeling: Feeling great overall just large!

Cravings: Nothing really. Ive been having random day-long cravings for peanut butter and bananas. On separate days. One day peanut butter, can't get enough. 3 days later, I want bananas. 

Symptoms: My feet have started to hurt after walking or standing for long, even in shoes with good support. And my lower back still gets achy. 

Missing: Summer and tiny clothes  :)

Looking Forward to: Seeing her sweet face!

Sleep: Sleeping great!

Exercise: UG, this has been terrible the past few weeks excercise-wise!!! We've been so busy and tired and thrown off we haven't had time to get a good workout in at the gym in at least 2 weeks. Honestly, Im not too worried about it. We have tried to stay active - we have had some beautiful spring days where we have gone for walks, I have still been doing T25 with work buddies and I've made it downstairs to our mini-gym a bit; but overall, working out has gotten a lot harder. I find I get out of breath so much quicker now and my lower back and feet are always achey afterwards, especially when the workout is just cardio - even walking! I am definitely slowing down, so I am trying to just focus on staying healthy and being active whenever possible, whether its weights or cardio. 

Eating: Pretty normal in this area! Ive been eating healthy as usual, trying to clean it up a bit more because we have definitely been enjoying extra treats with these showers we had. 

Thoughts this week: I've been saying for a while now that once we had the first baby shower, it was basically like she was going to be here, because we have so much planned in between so I knew it was going to fly by! El Paso shower, Baltimore shower, Bahrain, two weekend trips in May and the BAM. June is here. We are in that whirlwind now - the showers have passed and we leave for Bahrain in a week. A WEEK! I am starting to get really nervous because on the way to El Paso, I was VERY uncomfortable. My feet and ankles swelled up so bad it hurt to walk. Granted, I didn't take ANY precautions because I figured hey, it's a short trip. On the way back, I walked the isles and stretched a lot and it didn't happen again. However the trip to Bahrain is 13 hours STRAIGHT. AH! I bought compression socks, and am planning to walk the isles and to various leg and ankle exercises every 1-2 hours, and I am hoping to be able to put my feet up a bit. Wish us luck!!!

Another thing we have been thinking/feeling this week is how incredibly lucky we are to have so many loving family and friends. So many people came out these past 2 weekends to shower baby girl with love and we just couldn't be more grateful. 

Celebrating Grandpa Barry's birthday!

Celebrating Abu Chacha's birthday!

Safari animals on the wall - cute!

SURPRISE visitors to our shower in Baltimore! My besets friends! I can't believe they made the trip!

Our first cloth diapers for our stash - yes, we are cloth diapering!
28 weeks

29 weeks

Donovan eating baby food, with a baby spoon, in El Paso - nighttime snack?!

El Paso shower, with the mariachis - 28 weeks

Baltimore shower - 29 weeks

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