Monday, February 10, 2014

How far along? 22 weeks !

Total Weight Gain: I have been feeling frustrated lately with watching my weight change so drastically, so I decided to stop focusing on it! I am on the HIGH end of weight gain thus far and it started messing with my mind. In reality, I was very small to start – I was also watching everything I put in my mouth and throwing myself into my workouts. When I got pregnant, I decided that this was going to be my time to enjoy foods I don’t normally let myself enjoy as often. Most of our meals have been clean and healthy (still veggies and lean protein with every meal), but I am indulging more frequently and not worrying so much about portion sizes. I think this change in eating habits has influenced close to half of my pregnancy weight gain so far, and I have decided that I am ok with that. I am still working out and eating healthy, so I am just going to enjoy this pregnancy, enjoy food, and when the baby comes I know my mindset is going to go back to clean eating and heavy lifting all the time so I might as well enjoy this time while its here. And my husband is enjoying it right along with me.  :) 

Stretch Marks: None

Belly button: Still innie, but its starting to push out and I can see the BACK of it now – strange!

Showing: Yes, and I am getting the belly touching now. I am one of those people that doesn't mind though.  :)

Movement: Oh my gosh, all the time. I feel like she never sleeps! We had our 20 weekish sonogram this past week and I was surprised to see her wiggling all around, and I couldn’t feel it! Here I was thinking I felt EVERYthing. I really can only feel with she kicks or punches or rolls (which seems to be all. The. Time.). But she was wiggling and moving a lot. The sonographer said she was “a wiggler”! I don’t mind that, because thanks to her wiggling, we get to go back for another sonogram because they couldn’t get a clear picture of her heart – 20 weeks is typically the last sonogram they do so I don’t mind this at all.  :)

Feeling: The last few days I have felt really sick. At first I thought it was a bug, because I felt so nauseous and had no appetite. Once I would start to feel better, I would eat, and then immediately feel sick again. I soon realized that I don’t have a bug – this is actually pregnancy related. I don’t feel sick in any other way, I just don’t really have an appetite at all and I feel nauseous when I eat. However when I just have a few bites, I feel ok (and get full very quickly). I think what’s happening is that since all my organs are being compacted and my digestion is slowing down, my stomach just can’t take a normal portion of food right now? I am thinking that I just need to graze all day – a few bites of food here and there. Tried this yesterday and I felt mostly normal. However after dinner, of which I ate more than a few bites but about half of what my normal portion would be, I did feel a little sick, but not as bad as I had been feeling. Its odd because if you compare this week’s photo with last week’s, my actual stomach looks bloated and full – but in reality, this was in the evening after 2 days of eating nothing but a few bites. Of course this lack of food has affected my strength and energy in the gym, but I’m just going to roll with it. Hopefully my appetite will return soon! Pregnancy really is strange!

Cravings: All cravings are gone this week! I don’t know if its because of this nauseous thing or just natural but I literally want NOTHING. Ha.

Symptoms: Damn nausea!

Missing: Some of my tops and dresses that no longer fit!

Looking Forward to: Our baby showers we are planning in March!  

Sleep: Can’t complain in this area – feeling great! Holding on to it while it lasts!

Exercise: Still lifting light weight with incorporating cardio as well, but energy took a plummet at the end of this week due to the weird food thing. We went to the gym twice over the weekend but my workouts were…lame to say the least. Haha. I am definitely not pushing myself past what I feel comfortable, so we shall see how this plays out!

Eating: Barely

Thoughts this week: Everyone’s pregnancy is different! I try so hard to read about what to expect at every stage and I haven’t been accurate yet – and I’m talking about since the time we started trying and I was trying to figure out what symptoms to look out for before a pregnancy test would come up positive! From weight gain week to week, sleep patterns, symptoms, where you feel your uterus…I might as well just stop reading!

 Our baby girl!!!!  <3

Baby's first rattle! My best friend, Rachel, brought this home for her from a trip to Burkina Faso, a country in Africa. Love it!

Getting' in some Insanity - with many modifications! First time trying it pregnant.

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